Having seen two previews of this show, I was very much looking forward to it, and it didn't disappoint. That said, don't go in expecting unbridled, constant hilarity. This is a show with considerable quiet moments, and lots of build up, but the sight gags, when they come, are uniformly strong. It's also a show that's heavily dependent on its audience - if you don't throw yourself into it 100% you won't get a lot out of it. Kiwi performer Sam Wills is an enigmatic, deranged presence, at whose urgings audience members help create musical mayhem and surreal, expressionistic mime. A word of caution though - if you don't like shows where performers pick on the audience - albeit, in this instance, in a good-natured and collaborative way - this is not the show for you.
Three and half quizzical hoots of mirth out of five.
ROD QUANTOCK - 2050 AD The Musical
In his usual endearing, slightly flustered way, national comic treasure Rod Quantock presents an arry of information about how our current lifestyles are killing the future: oil shortages, water shortages, and what they mean for the coming decades. Some chaotic use of IT equipment - cameras, graphs and websites - rather than his usual whiteboards and butcher's paper displays - appropriately in keeping with the theme of his show, which is futurism - often as seen from the past, ie outmoded views of how we'd live as seen from 1948 - sadly, we're still waiting for those personal jetpacks we were promised... A slightly depressing yet delightful show that provoked regular laughs and constant grins.
Three slightly nervous laughs out of five.
There's much less music than I've come to expect from Ms Quinn and a lot more stand-up in her new show, which is essentially an exploration of gaffes and blunders, from asking random old people to be a grandparent, to reading 19th century literature aloud on the tram. Some excellent stories and strong delivery, but just a bit too much bogan-bashing for my tastes.
Three chuckles out of five.
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